Just a Random Post

6 November 2022

I'm not feeling well, my girl

I've recently had to stop a relationship I was really looking forward to, someone who I can say I really loved. My second love to be precise. And to be honest, I'm devastated. I'm releasing full source code to the little silly FPS prototype I had running on Godot, didn't even get time to implement everything I wanted to, not even the base mechanics for a simple multiplayer, but right now I don't have the motivation to do anything at all on it.

Eventually, I'll give it another try, but on the meanwhile, I'm looking for a decent therapist to help me skim through these hard times. On top of that, due to a lot of paperwork irresponsibility from the school I used to attend, I'm unable to start university next year. :)

To be honest, my greatest desire is to end it all, but I made a promise and I pride myself in never breaking them. I will just be chilling for now.

On a less depressing note, I've recently bought a new mic and will probably try out recording gameplay and streaming when chatting with friends. Once I was on a call with my now ex partner and remember her mentioning she loved to listen me talk about stuff I'm passionate about, so this one's for you.

The code is here