Unnamed Cold War Shooter design

3 October 2022

My Game: A Cold War FPS

Except it isn't really Cold War, but more or less. Same time period, just a different conflict.

Historical Background(???)

With the theories of Adolf Hitler running away to Argentina, I decided to build a story upon Hitler marrying a nurse to have her continue his world domination venture. She works at an orphanage, and in this story Galtieri decides to invade the Falklands a couple years earlier than his real life counterpart, more specifically, in 1964.

Between the end of WWII and the start of Falklands, Ms. Hitler would take the older orphans and have them stand in as spies for her and her husband's plan, gathering intel from weapon prototypes, and plans for industrial and military facilities.

Weapon selection

The weapon selection is pretty varied, consisting primarily of 80's to modern era weapons, given a touch up so they fit the time period, along with some WW/WWII era guns, some names are changed to whatever as long as we avoid trademarks, but others have already been relocated to an in-game entity. Likewise with some weapons chambering and names of real life calibers.

Some of the weapons that are confirmed to be in the game are:

The "Pact" and the Triple A

The two greater factions in the game's campaing are the Triple A(Antartic Army of Argentina), and the Pact, which serves as main antagonist of the story, althought it's role is technically benign: they are the game's NATO, an alliance of nations made in order to stop the Fourth Reich. The Now reformed Germany is part of the Pact, while the fresh-out-of-killing-nazis Russia decides to join the AAA due to their own conflict with the United States.

Aside from the core plot of the World War Three, an internal conflict is started in Rio Negro, Argentina: Two parties with opposin ideologies, while both in accord to the Neo Nazi uprising, their concept of how the war should be carried over causes a province wide war. The two parties' leaders are head of industries for the Nazi Sponsored Arms Research, one side having the owner of Artillery Research and Manufacture, while on the other roster, the Director Research and Development at BioIndustries sits on power. The protagonist, through explicit choice, in game actions and gameplay style will get attached to one of these parties, providing bonuses in the sense of extra equipment and boosts for missions.

Gameplay level

The game is divided in three loops:

The Multiplayer and Story modes feature a loadout system where the player can customize a Primary Weapon, a Secondary Weapon, Equipment, Tools, and Modifiers(More in "Loadouts" section).

In Multiplayer Arena, players also have access to an Industries Merchant, who will offer external support in exchange for match Cash(More in "Industries Merchant" section).

Rave is a PvE mode where players get AI kills and keep moving to increase a RAVE meter. Each second the player will get points based on their RAVE, if RAVE reaches zero, the player will lose some score and respawn.


The Loadouts menu will offer seven optsions to the Player:

Modifiers are divided in three cateories, Meta, Support and Offense. Not many are decided yet, so I'll keep this list with just the ones that are set in stone.

Industries Merchant

The Industries Merchant will offer supports similar to what Call of Duty achieves with Streaks. Instead of the usual Streak system, Cash will be earned through the match, and while a penalty is put for dying, Cash won't reset back to zero. A player can set 4 Products from the IM, and buy them in any quantity and order in the match.

Current Industries Merchant's Products are:

Cash will be awarded on these events and quantities:

Together with the IM, players on a 35 Kill Streak will automatically call a match ending sequence.

¹ The FAMCa is an Argentine carbine based on the FN FAL. FMAP got the rights to manufacture and derivate the design of the FAL via a contract with FN HERSTAL. Four variants of the FAL were produced in Argentina: FAMCa, carbine model for armored, mechanized and mountain troops; FAMA, assault model for paratroopers and special forces; FAMTD, designated marksman model, fitted with either an FAP or FAL barrel, depending on either FAMTD heavy or light barrel variants. Currently a "definitive" model - FAMCa sized barrel with FAMA's Magpull stock is being used.